Name: Dax, Jadzia Rank: Lieutenant Commander Born: 2341 Origin: Trill Place of Birth: Trill Homeworld Assignment: station Deep Space Nine Last Ship: not applicable Academy Class: 2368 98th percentile Achievements: Pre-joining: Premier Distinctions in exobiology, zoology, astrophysics, exoarchaeology,Third-level pilot certificate Latest host, Jadzia, joined with Symbiont Dax in 2367. Joined Starfleet thereafter. As a lieutenant, assigned to DS9 as chief science officer in 2369. Along with then-Commander Sisko, discovered stable wormhole in Denorios Belt, Bajor system in 2369. Dax led scientific exploration of Gamma Quadrant. In 2370, Dax, with DS9 security chief Odo, investigated an unusual field of omicron particles there, and disccovered a generator on planet Yadera II that powered an entire village of sentient holograms. Her repairs to the malfunctions in generator, ensured village's survival. In 2371, Dax participated in the discovery in the Kylata system of the planet Meridian, which only exists in the corporeal plane for several days every 60 years. Dax has a Third-Level Pilot Certificate. She was promoted to lieutenant commander in 2373. Served as occasional commander of U.S.S. Defiant. In 2372, participated in mining survey mission to the planet Torga IV, which resulted in the capture of a crashed Jem'Hadar warship. Led several sorties in recent Dominion-Cardassian Alliance conflict of 2374. Dax and Lieutenant Commander Worf went on a recent covert planetside mission to rendezvous with a Cardassian defector. Dax was seriously injured; rather than abandon his wife, Worf aborted the mission to return her to DS9 for medical aid; this led to the defector's death. Hosts for Dax symbiont go back approximately 300 years. Many skills and interests from these hosts are apparent in Jadzia. Previous hosts have included a test pilot, professional gymnast, and a legislator. Note last host, Curzon Dax, diplomat and mediator, who also served on Federation starship U.S.S. Livingston and died in 2367. In 2370, Dax went on an unauthorized mission to planet Secarus IV, with three Klingon warriors, originally known to Curzon, to avenge the murder of the Klingons' firstborn sons by an Albino criminal. The Albino was killed. With the one surviving Klingon, Kor, in 2371 Dax and Worf briefly located the legendaryKlingon artifact the Sword of Kahless, but to avoid strife within the empire, released it into deep space. Family: Husband, Starfleeet Lieutenant Commander Worf, (married 2374), resident, DS9; Mother, Father, Sister, (names not on file) residents of Trill Homeworld Interests: Klingon language and culture, martial arts, Tongo (Ferengi card game), collecting music of lost composers, Earth chess